package client
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- client
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
- class ActionActions extends LazyLogger
- trait AllInstances extends ClientShowInstances
- trait AllSyntax extends QuerySpecSyntax with DynamicsIdSyntax
case class
AltId(parts: Seq[(String, String)]) extends DynamicsId with Product with Serializable
Alternate key.
Alternate key. You'll need to quote the value in the string, if that's needed.
AttributeMetadata extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
AttributeTypeCode extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
AuthManager[F[_]] extends LazyLogger
Convenience functions to work with ADAL tokens.
Convenience functions to work with ADAL tokens. If tenant and authorityHostUrl are undefined, it is attempted to derive them from username (the demain part) and using a default authority hostname
. If acquireTokenResource is undefined, dataUrl is tried in its place. -
AuthenticationContext extends Object
From js ADAL library.
From js ADAL library. For details on using ADAL in general:
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native() @JSImport( "adal-node" , "AuthenticationContext" )
- trait ClientShowInstances extends AnyRef
ConnectionRole extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
case class
DynamicsClient(http: Client[IO], connectInfo: ConnectionInfo, debug: Boolean = false)(implicit F: ApplicativeError[IO, Throwable], e: ExecutionContext) extends LazyLogger with DynamicsClientRequests with ClientMethods with Product with Serializable
Dynamics specific client.
Dynamics specific client. Its a thin layer over a basic HTTP client that formulates the HTTP request and minimually interprets the response.
All of the methods either return a IO or a Steam. The IO or Stream must be run in order to execute the operation. Note that the client only captures the most commonly used idioms of using the dynamic web service. It's possible to have cases here this client's API is insufficient for your OData url and you need to go one level deeper e.g. getOne is navigating to a collection valued property and the "array" is in the "value" fieldname.
You must make sure you have a
MonadError[IO, Throwable]
in implicit scope when you create the client. If you need to you can alwaysval ehandler = MonadError[IO, Throwable]
when creating the client to instill your own strategy for raising an error. If you have cats.effect in scope, you should pick up the default one automatically. All errors from responses are captured in this layer and converted to instances of DynamicsClientError (a Throwable). Errors generated from lower levels can be thrown and are *not* captured in this layer. -
case class
DynamicsClientError(details: String, cause: Option[DynamicsServerError] = None, underlying: Option[Throwable] = None, status: Status) extends DynamicsError with Product with Serializable
Concrete implementation of errors thrown by a dynamics client.
- trait DynamicsClientRequests extends AnyRef
sealed abstract
DynamicsError extends RuntimeException
Combines a message, an optional DynamicsServerError, an optional underlying error and the Status of the http call.
DynamicsErrorJS extends Object with ODataErrorJS
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- See also,
- sealed trait DynamicsId extends AnyRef
- final case class DynamicsIdOps(id: DynamicsId) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- final case class DynamicsIdStringOps(s: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- trait DynamicsIdSyntax extends AnyRef
DynamicsInnerErrorJS extends Object
Dynamics related inner error.
Dynamics related inner error. See
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- case class DynamicsOptions(prefers: PreferOptions = ..., version: Option[String] = None, user: Option[String] = None, applyOptimisticConcurrency: Option[Boolean] = None, suppressDuplicateDetection: Boolean = false) extends ClientOptions with Product with Serializable
case class
DynamicsServerError(code: String, message: String, innererror: Option[InnerError] = None) extends ServerError with Product with Serializable
Scala version of a dynamics server error.
EntityDefinition extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
case class
GraphClient(http: Client[IO], connectInfo: ConnectionInfo)(implicit F: ApplicativeError[IO, Throwable], ec: ExecutionContext) extends LazyLogger with DynamicsClientRequests with ClientMethods with Product with Serializable
Microsoft Graph specific client
case class
GraphClientError(details: String, cause: Option[GraphServerError] = None, underlying: Option[Throwable] = None, status: Status) extends GraphError with Product with Serializable
Concrete implementation of errors thrown by a dynamics client.
sealed abstract
GraphError extends RuntimeException
Combines a message, an optional DynamicsServerError, an optional underlying error and the Status of the http call.
GraphErrorJS extends Object with ODataErrorJS
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- See also
- case class GraphInnerError(stuff: Object) extends Product with Serializable
GraphInnerErrorJS extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- case class GraphServerError(code: String, message: String, innererror: Option[GraphInnerError] = None) extends ServerError with Product with Serializable
- case class Id(id: String, name: Option[String] = None) extends DynamicsId with Product with Serializable
case class
InnerError(etype: String, message: String, stacktrace: String) extends Product with Serializable
Scala version of inner DynamicsInnerErrorJS
LocalOrGlobalOptionSetsResponse extends Object
When asking for both local or global options set e.g.
When asking for both local or global options set e.g. the OptionSet expanded nav property on a PickList attribute. Either one of these could be null according to the documentation.
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- See also
case class
Metadata(client: DynamicsClient) extends Product with Serializable
MetadataBase extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
MetadataCache extends AnyRef
Simple metadata cache for CRM metadata.
ODataErrorJS extends Object
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
OptionMetadata extends Object with MetadataBase
Option metadata complex type.
Option metadata complex type.
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- See also
- case class OptionPair(Label: String, Value: Int) extends Product with Serializable
OptionSetMetadata extends Object with OptionSetMetadataBase
OptionSetMetadata. This is the object returned from the OptionSet or GlobalOptionSet attribute property.
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
- See also
OptionSetMetadataBase extends Object with MetadataBase
- Annotations
- @RawJSType() @native()
case class
OptionValue(label: String, value: Int) extends Product with Serializable
Simplified optionset info once language has been sorted out.
- case class Property(name: String, edmType: String) extends Product with Serializable
ServerError extends AnyRef
Scala version of ODataErrorJS error.
Value Members
DefaultDynamicsOptions: DynamicsOptions
Options with as much as possible being returned.
Impersonate: String
Header for impersonating.
Header for impersonating. Value sould be the systemuserid.
NoisyDynamicsOptions: DynamicsOptions
Options with as little as possble being returned.
QuietDynamicsOptions: DynamicsOptions
Options with as little as possble being returned.
SuppressDuplicateDetection: String
Boolean header value to suppress duplicate detection.
zeroGUID: String
All 0s GUID
ADALMiddleware extends LazyLogger
ADAL middleware.
- object AltId extends Serializable
- object AuthManager
- object DynamicsServerError extends Serializable
- object GraphServerError extends Serializable
- object OptionSetType
Use with QuerySpec.filter e.g.
Use with QuerySpec.filter e.g.
filter=Some(Between("age", 1, 10))
. Values are always single quoted.- See also
- object implicits extends AllSyntax with AllInstances
- object instances
- object requests extends DynamicsClientRequests
- object syntax