
The applications command allows you to list applications and add/remove roles that can access the application. You often need this if you migrated your app but you need to adjust the roles afterwards.


  • list: List all applications.
  • roles: Add/remove roles for a specific application. You add/remove roles by role name, not role id. You must use the application unique name and not the application display name.


List applications in the org. You can obtain the application name and unique name using this command.


  • dynamicscli applications list


Change roles by application and role names. If your role or application has a space in it, use proper shell quoting in your CLI. The application name must be the application unique name.


  • dynamicscli applications roles new_MyApp add Salesperson: Add the role to the application.
  • dynamicscli applications roles remove new_MyApp Salesperson_MyApp: Remove the role from the application.
  • dynamicscli applications roles new_MyApp add Salesperson,"Sales Manager": Add the Salesperson and “Sales Manager” roles to the application.