
The webresources command allows you to list, download and upload (one-time and watch) webresources. This method helps you incrementally develop your webresource based solution e.g. a UI written in javascript. You can also delete source maps in a solution that may be leftover from development iterations.


  • upload: Upload web resources. Optionally watch a directory to perform the upload. “Watch” both adds, updates and delete resources from your local disk depending on what happens to the file.
  • delete: Delete a specific webresource by id. You can obtain the id from list.
  • list: List web resources.
  • delete-source-maps: Delete .js.map files from a specific solution’s set of webresources.


The only real trick for this command is that –prefix is used to snip off the path so that the starting point of the web resource name becomes the path starting at –prefix with no leading slash.

Web resources are uploaded in parallel if multiple files are changed at once and this can make the output messages confusing at times.


  • $CLI webresources upload --prefix newco_ --unique-solution-name MyNewcoSolution ~/project/dist/newco_ --watch --ignore 'hot' "$@": Continuously watch and upload web resources. Skip files that match the glob *hot*. Resources are named newco_/... and new resources are placed in the MyNewcoSolution solution.


Delete a web resource.


List web resourcse:


  • dynamicscli webresources list --filter blah: List web resources that have the word blah in their name.


Delete sources maps found in a solution.