
themes allows you to manage some aspects of themes including cloning, updating and setting the logo.


  • list: List themes.
  • copy: Copy an existing theme to a new one. Optionally merge additional properties into the copy.
  • publish: Publish a theme.
  • set-logo: Set the logo for an existing theme.

Note that system themes are read-only. If you want to set the logo, first copy it then set the logo on the copy. Then publish the copy.


List the existing themes:


  • dynamicscli themes list


Publish a theme making it the default.


  • dynamicscli theme publish mytheme


Copy a theme.


  • –merge-json: Merge a json formatted file of values into the copy. This allows you to change the properties of a theme, such as the title color.


  • dynamicscli copy "CRM Default Theme" mytheme: Copy an existing theme.
  • dynamicscli copy "CRM Default Theme" mytheme --merge-json newcolors.json: Copy a theme but changing the values as described in newcolors.json.
  "navbarshelfcolor": "#FAFAFA"

Set the logo on an existing theme. The logo is specified as a web resource. You must us the “name” of the webresource. The webresource name is often the virtual path setup by a developer, but not always. You can obtain the names of webresources using dynamicscli webresources list and grep through the output or use something like --filter logo if you already know part of the logo’s webresource name.


  • dynamicscli themes set-logo mytheme '/new_/logo.gif': Set the logo on mytheme to the webresource named ‘/new_/logo.gif’.