
A few facades are provided. A few are mentioned below but check out the list at the start of the document or the github site for a complete list.


Fabric is a Microsoft react UI library with many components and is freely available to make office looking interfaces. It also has many infrastructure functions to handle themes and styling. A simple facade has been included in scalajs-react-fabric that is a WIP since the API is quite large and complex. Fabric is written in typescript. scalajs-reacts demo application was written mostly with fabric.

The lib is ttg.fabric.

Fabric requires that your top level element (or at least high up in the component tree) be Fabric:

// your root element

Material UI

Material UI is google inspired react library. These binding are provisional until v4 comes out. Styling is based on CSSinJS.

The lib is ttg.mui.

The default jss styling configuration usage as integrated into the underlying react toolkit does not contain "extend" or "composes" which I think are important. To add these properly to the list of jss plugins you can do:

import react.mui._
val myjss = JSS.create(jssPreset())
// call this until 4.x comes out
// top level provider, you could also add a ThemeProvider
StyleProvider(new StyleProvider.Props {
// your root element

at the top level to ensure that the proper jss configuration. You can also just provide the provider at the level in the tree you want to use it. See the material and cssinjs documentation for more details.

You need to npm include:

  • @material-ui/core
  • @material-ui/styles
  • jss-plugin-rule-value-function
  • jss-plugin-global
  • jss-plugin-nested
  • jss-plugin-compose
  • jss-plugin-camel-case
  • jss-plugin-default-unit
  • jss-plugin-expand
  • jss-plugin-vendor-prefixer
  • jss-plugin-props-sort
  • jss-plugin-cache

Yeah, that's alot. Its believed that you can use the fabric "merge-styles" solution at the same time with little packaging waste. I have not tried that yet myself.


bootstrap is a bootstrap inspired binding. However, the bootstrap react project is still maturing and we will wait for it to mature a bit more until we complete the bindings for it. Styling is still maturing.

The lib is ttg.bootstrap.