Getting Started

Like any scala.js project to get started you need to include the libraries in your build. the artifacts are published to a bintray only and not jcenter or maven.

// bintray resolvers
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("aappddeevv", "maven")
val scalaJsReactVersion = "<latest version> // e.g. "0.1.0-M7"
// grab the the latest version or use a specific version
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"ttg" %%% "react" % scalaJsReactVersion,
"ttg" %%% "vdom" % scalaJsReactVersion,
// optional but includes a Microsoft UI component set
"ttg" %%% "fabric" % scalaJsReactVersion,
// optional unless you want to connect to redux state
"ttg" %%% "react-redux" % scalaJsReactVersion
// if you need react-dom
"ttg" %%% "react-dom" % scalaJsReactVersion
// if you need prop-types
"ttg" %%% "prop-types" % scalaJsReactVersion

Then use the following imports to import functionality you need:

// standard scala.js
import scala.scalajs.js
import js.JSConverters._
// for working with the dom: "org.scalajs" %%% "jsdom" % "latest.version"
import org.scalajs.dom
// top level types
import react._
import react.implicits._
// imports renderToElementWithId, include this in the package with your top level render call
import react_dom._
// contains virtual dom objects
import vdom._
// non-native JS trait style attributes
import vdom._
import vdom.styling._
import vdom.svg._
// import this if you are using the office-ui-fabric-react library
import fabric._
import fabric.components._
import fabric.styling._


Some extension methods a few implicit conversions are provided to make the facade more ergonomic.

Since this is a facade library that is designed to be integrated into other javascript/reason react applications, you will most likely need to use javascript objects on your imported objects as well as your exported components. Making js objects easy to use in scala is an importent design point.

The react.implicits._ imports the extensions. Since implicit conversion can make your code base more complicated when automatic conversions go awry, the syntax enhancements and conversions are offered ala cart. However, you should use the general import react.implicits._ when first starting out. See the API docs for ala cart imports.

npm and js packages

Based on the scala libraries you use, you will need to bundle the appropriate packages. All of the scala.js imports underneath in the interop layer convert to CJS require calls.

  • core: react (>=16.8+)
  • react-dom: react-dom (>=16.8+)
  • prop-types: prop-types
  • vdom: no js dependencies
  • fabric: office-ui-fabric-react (>= 7.0), or merge-styles directly for only that
  • redux: react-redux, redux

If you include these in your package.json as runtime dependencies you should be all set. If you use scalajs-bundler you would need to add these to your build.sbt file.