Data Validation

A simple applicative-style data validation library has been provided. You can use it for both JVM and JS environments os it useful for both the backend and the fronted. It is agnostic to the data structures used to capture data validation information so it does not impose its on "error" class or the use of Either or cats Validated. Of course, such flexibility comes at a price. The price to use it is that you must decide which data structure to use the provide some typeclasses with the required behavior. Some pre-exisiting typeclasses are available for a few common scala and cats data structures.

The following out of the box algebras are supported:

  • cats ValidatedNec (Validated with a NonEmptyChain error channel)
  • scala Option (no error message accumulation)
  • scala Eithter (with a NonEmptyChain left)

Algebras with NonEmptyChain collect error messages when you validated in parallel. Collecting error messages in parallel is sometimes desired, sometimes not, depending on your application context. A single application can also have different needs.

The overall algebra is called ValidationAlgebra and is composed of various sub-algebras that include logic operations, string algebras and conversion algebras.


To use the data validation library, included it in your build:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"ttg" %%% "data-validation" % "latest.version"

Then setup the validation algebra you want to use:

// example here!