
A simple forms package has been created. It allows you to create forms and managed the user interaction lifecycle. It is based on several different forms package in ReasonReact and javascript.

The form library bakes in asynchronous data management by default through the use of a F parameter which is constrained, using cats, to provide Async.

Very few assumptions are made around how forms are actually composed as there are many different ways to code up a form.

Concerns that are abstracted out include:

  • How the data object a form represents is represented.
  • Validation of data.
  • Form state.
  • Form submission.


To use the data validation library, included it in your build:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"ttg" %%% "forms" % "latest.version"

Creating Form Inputs

The library is un-opionated in that it does not force you to use any specific form control components. There as a wide variety of form input control needs that are too numerous to codify easy for all situations.

Prior Art

This form library abstracts out form handling to ensure that it can be adapted to most form situations similar to libraries like the following: